Contact Us
You may register both Instructors and Student examinees from this page.
Name and Email is your Name and Email
Subject is the Exam Session Dates
You must include:
1. Examinee First and Last name
2. Their Grouping (i.e SG1 or TG6 etc)
3. Their Age at time of exam.
4. Coach's First and Last name+ Studio Name
5. If submitting more than one examinee please include them in the correct order and desired examinee number. If the Registrar cannot accommodate your wishes he/she will email or phone you directly. You may also include your preferred date and time. However, we may not be able to accommodate all requests.
6. You must include a screen shot of your CCA dues receipt.
7. The Registrar invoice you. Once paid, he/she will forward the information to the host and you will be added to the schedule.